Directed by Harendra Khatri, Produced by tv Nepali, starred by Matrika Poudel, Harendra Khatri, Ishwor Dulal and Saji Rai, a short comedy video – Battho Manchhe 252, presents the predicament of a motorcycle owner.
Ishwor seems to be in the urgency to get a ride up to his destination and asks to get the help with Matrika, who is heading towards the same direction, but he refuses to help Ishwor. Within a short distance, he finds a beautiful girl waiting for a bus. He asks her either she wants to hitchhike on his motorbike. Her answer is negative. But after a thousand requests from Matrika, she accepts his proposal to take a lift on his motorcycle. After a long distance ride, she asks to stop him the bike and loots his everything taking a help from her boyfriend. So, the funny story tries to prove the saying ” Tit For Tat”
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